04 November 2005

Hero saves friend with frying pan

Smart move. Although much of the world has the bad habbit of ignoring confrontation in which they have no business. But I think that not minding your own business can potentially save someones life, like in this case.

Shaun, from Edinburgh Scotland, came downstairs to "not mind his own business" when he heard a confrontation going on outside. Turns out, it was his friend and neighbor, Brian, who was enduring a spit-bath conversation after asking another resident of his building, Alan, to keep it down.

After Shaun butts in, crazy Alan disappears into his flat and returns with a kitchen knife, with which he jabs Brian in the side. Shaun manages to get crazy Alan into a headlock while trying to block a knife-blow himself.

That's when (my favorite part) Shaun's mum comes out "not minding her own business;" only, she's bringing action with her. She hands Shaun a frying pan, with which he tries to knock some sense into crazy Alan. I'm not sure if crazy Alan got his sense back, but he wasn't playing Killer Chef anymore.

Shaun, you're a hero. Shaun's Mum, you're a hero too.


posted by Smith @ 11/04/2005 10:18:00 AM


At November 05, 2005 9:03 AM, Blogger Alan said...

Frying Pans...Multi-Purpose...Nice!!!


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