08 October 2005

Our beautiful, vulnerable planet

Our planet is beginning to look more and more vulnerable to its own natural fury. Most people didn't really seem to pay any attention to the frequency of the phenomenon until Hurricane Katrina, followed shortly after by Hurricane Rita.

If people had been monitoring there world before Katrina, they would realize that natural disasters have been increasing their frequency for quite a while now.....since the last ice age. People, however, seem to be under the notion that we are invincible; that some god person made this place for us and if he wants to bump us off a couple ten-thousand at a time, he has his reasons. Who is this god person anyway?

Most people do not realize how often earthquakes occur. As of right now, a total of 485 earthquakes have occurred in the United States alone in the last 7 days!

We will soon be experiencing more and more of these disaster events that will continue to cripple us, and in a moments time, our lives will be changed forever. Are you next?

posted by Smith @ 10/08/2005 10:58:00 PM


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