Quality time with Coldplay

Like any Joe Bloggs would, I tried to be as close to Chris(topher Anthony John) Martin for as much of the time as possible. But I enjoyed being around Jonny, Will, and Guy as well. At one point we were waiting on the tube in London, and I was really admiring all of their jeans, which were each unique and saturated with style. At the same time I was wondering "Where is Gweneth, why isn't she here?"
I indulged in the moment that I was watching Chris and one of the guys mucking about just before we hopped on the tube. This was the last thing I remember.
I hope that Chris and the guys will invite me to hang out again soon. For the short time that I was with them I had a smashing time, and it was all yellow.
posted by Smith @ 9/30/2005 08:43:00 AM
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