Simon, Please don't burst Jake's birthday bubble.

Jake wants to see Duran Duran for his birthday. I don't know why -- just look at their clothes! I feel now like I think I would feel if Hudson begged me to see Hello Kitty on Ice in Tokyo...
"Are you sure you don't want to see Elmo Gets A Hat?"
"Noooo...I want to say Hello to the Kittyyyy!!"
"Alright, alright, let's fly to Tokyo."
Okay Jake, here's the schedule. Tell me which event you would LOOOOVE to attend.
8/13/2005 Tokyo, Japan Summer Sonic Festival
8/14/2005 Osaka, Japan Summer Sonic Festival
8/15/2005 Tokyo, Japan Studio Coast
12/16/2005 Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom SECC - Glasgow
12/17/2005 Birmingham, United Kingdom The NEC Arena
12/18/2005 Manchester, United Kingdom Manchester Evening News Arena
12/21/2005 London, United Kingdom Earls Court Olympia
Let me have a chance to
Are you sure you don't want to see Ashlee Simpson?
Oh Jakey, you make me wanna lala on the floor.
posted by Smith @ 8/04/2005 10:18:00 AM
Silly guessed incorrectly...the obvious choice would have been the LONDON gig!!!
You buy the tickets and I'll pay for the airfaire. And I do find it most unbecoming of you to ridicule my "All-Time" favourite PoP band. For they are the ones who taught me to make all my memories careless and to dance into the fire!!!
Silly Jakey, pay more attention, "here" links to the venue in London at which your all-time favorite pop band will be performing. When opinionating on D/D, I was not referring to the band itself, but their fluffy apparel, eek. I only ridicule the ridiculous.
Yes, airfare is cheap, but hotels are a bitch on the wallet.
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