Monday, Monday's Word of the Day, yay!
A personal disclosure:When considering '[day of the week]'s Word of the Day' as the title of my word post project, readers should know that I never promised that the word of the day would always come in the earlier part of the day; therefore I render myself innocent, so long as I present each day's word on that day.
All those who are with me...say w'sup?
{ W'SUP? }
I 'preciate that.
Now; To business. Seeing as it is now 60 minutes until prime time television is broadcasted, allow me to thrust in what you've been waiting to get all day long.
Welcome to Monday, Monday's Word of the Day: Have you ever eaten a banger for breakfast? If you've been a vegetarian your entire life, chances are you haven't. Banger is a British word meaning sausage.

A gang of bangers.
posted by Smith @ 8/08/2005 03:29:00 PM
Get It On!!!
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