"The unlawful use or threatened use of force or violence by a person or an organized group against people or property with the intention of intimidating or coercing societies or governments, often for ideological or political reasons" is how The American Heritage® Dicitonary defines terrorism. Most of us would agree that that definition is appropriate for the word.Would we not all agree then that Israel's excessive use of force upon the homes and neighborhoods of Lebanon, just as what is being done to them by Hezbollah, can also be defined as terrorism? Many would consider terrorism to be defined simply as the killing of innocent persons as part of extreme ideological warfare.
Yet the US has looked past the innocent civilians, including many women and children, that have been directly targeted in their homes and killed as collateral damage in Israel's justifiable retaliation against Hezbollah. Although Israel claims that these homes were hide-outs for Hezbollah militants and/or storehouses for rockets and other arms.
Remember, it's Hezbollah who are the initial aggressors, at least in this situation -- not Lebanon or Lebanese civilians. And while Israel knows that they are responsible for killing civilians, they have refused to desist their own aggression until a cease-fire aggreement has been made.
posted by Smith @ 7/17/2006 09:19:00 AM