Rove gets away with it!

The New York Times announced on Tuesday that Patrick Fitzgerald will not bring charges against Karl Rove in the ad nauseum C.I.A. leak case. Fitzgerald, apparently, caved under White House pressure and "months of intense, behind-the-scenes maneuvering between [himself] and Mr. Rove's lawyer"¹.
For the love of money, what is happening to this country?
Now that "Boy Genius" is in the clear, Scooter Libby has become the lone fall guy and the only White House official still under legal scrutiny. Although I believe he's guilty, I don't believe he's the only guilty party. I don't even believe that he and Rove are the only guilty parties.
Once again this administration has been successful in curtailing their criminal offenses by contrived diversion.
¹Johnston, David and Jim Rutenberg. Karl Rove Won't Face Indictment in CIA Leak Case. The New York Times. 13 June 2006. 16 June 2006. <Link>
posted by Smith @ 6/16/2006 08:44:00 AM